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I recently purchased this item and did a network update to ensure I had the lastest firmware, however BBC iPlayer does not appear on the list of Network video items. I noticed that some people had been having the same issue on the BDP-S370 so I tried one of there suggestions (reseting network information), however it still did not work. Any suggestions?
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I too am expereincing the exact same issue.
All was fine up until fairly recently
The issue was present both before and after the update.
HD drops out after around 10/20 seconds, but the SD stuff works fine, so we can rule out IP faults.
Sony, something's wrong up your end!!
The Blu-ray player is just the gateway, Sony don't host any of the BBC content and if there was a problem with firmware or the technology behind the system, then every single player sold would have this problem and the forum would be deluged by thousands of people with this problem, but this is not the case.
As its not affecting any of the other services seemingly ( have you tried other HD content?) its worth looking at other variables such as the way different ISP's handle BBC traffic, which can vary quite a lot, so try and test it on another broadband connection as well.
Worth checking your router settings, making sure you have the latest firmware as well.
Since we are all reporting that the HD iPlayer and for several of us, Demand 5 in SD too are aborting after only running for less than 20 seconds and this is repeatable (I tried the BBC HD Megacities programme four times with the same result), suggesting that 'if there were a problem more people would be complaining' is not a good idea. When I worked in telecomms faults, multiple people taking the time to report a problem usually was sufficient to suspect that a lot more people were having an issue, but either did not know how or where to report it. Not every purchaser will be on your forums.
The ISPs are different.
The services are separate (iPlayer HD and Demand 5)
The Sony S380 is the same.
Your device was sold on the basis of providing a working 'gateway' to these catch up services, that is certainly why I bought it in preference to a Panasonic, so it is for Sony to liaise with the provider regarding any problems with the implementation.
Just joined to post this.
Had the player a few weeks and it has never played more than 5 secs in HD, fine in normal.
It's not a bandwidth problem as I'm connected at 24Mbps.
I suspect a lot of people have the same problem but don't report it, they just don't use iPlayer in HD.
Agree with Shuffy so joined forum to join voice my findings.
Bought my device on 18th June 2011.
Can't play iPlayer for more than 20 seconds in HD mode.
Internet connection 14Mb from Be.
What I have found (as have others using similiar sony devices, but worth mentioning again) is I can get it working:
1. Drop the connection quality down from High to normal. Not ideal !!
2: Fast forward a bit (past 20 seconds for me) and from then on it seems OK.
Not watched a huge amount yet as just got the box so would be interesting if any others out there are finding the same results as me.
I have a 10mb Be connection and HD service works fine for me. If there was a general problem with the device firmware wouldn't everyone be having issues and no-one be able to get HD content?
Hi all
This sort of issue is a result of one of the following;
1. Wifi - The router will run at the speed of the slowest connected device, ie a B adapter would drop all the wifi connections to the speed of the B service and not the Maximum speed say N, this will result in a poor data transfer, regardless of the line speed and the result would be for the system to revert to the main menu as the stream is of poor quality.
2. Wired - there are a number of factors that will result in a poor streaming speed for a wired connection, the most common and most difficult to resolve is a DNS or IP issue, some lines have been switched from ISP to ISP so many times they are just a mess, the line bounces from hub to hub and the signal just drops, can only advise you request an alternative DNS portal or have your ISP check what could be going wrong with your routing, this issue is more difficult because you may be the only person on that exchange with the problem, we had a similar issue a few months ago with Talk Talk customers and something was changed by the BBC and ISP which resolved the problem.
Sony is happy to supply equipment to any ISP to help them resolve these types of issues, however we are not able to resolve them directly as they a very uncommon and generally are a line specific problem, it would be best to raise this problem directly with the BBC and ISP forums.
For a little piece of mind, it is worth trying the player on an alternative router/connection, to see if it acts differently, in most cases the player works perfectly away from your location and will help identify the player is not faulty.
Message was edited by: specialist-convergence
Message was edited by: specialist-convergence
Same problem here.
BBC iPlayer HD crashes out within 10 seconds of playing a stream. SD is fine.
ISP: BT Infinity 37Mbps
Router: Tried two - BT Homehub3 and Netgear N750
Firmware: M06.R.0319
Both my Mac and PC tested using the same ethernet cable direct from the router play iPlayer HD content flawlessly.
Just registered in frustration to post this - how many other people will have to find this forum and post before Sony support will look into this?
"Hi all
This sort of issue is a result of one of the following;
1. Wifi - The router will run at the speed of the slowest connected device, ie a B adapter would drop all the wifi connections to the speed of the B service and not the Maximum speed say N, this will result in a poor data transfer, regardless of the line speed and the result would be for the system to revert to the main menu as the stream is of poor quality.
2. Wired - there are a number of factors that will result in a poor streaming speed for a wired connection, the most common and most difficult to resolve is a DNS or IP issue, some lines have been switched from ISP to ISP so many times they are just a mess, the line bounces from hub to hub and the signal just drops, can only advise you request an alternative DNS portal or have your ISP check what could be going wrong with your routing, this issue is more difficult because you may be the only person on that exchange with the problem, we had a similar issue a few months ago with Talk Talk customers and something was changed by the BBC and ISP which resolved the problem.
Sony is happy to supply equipment to any ISP to help them resolve these types of issues, however we are not able to resolve them directly as they a very uncommon and generally are a line specific problem, it would be best to raise this problem directly with the BBC and ISP forums.
For a little piece of mind, it is worth trying the player on an alternative router/connection, to see if it acts differently, in most cases the player works perfectly away from your location and will help identify the player is not faulty."
Interesting..why does my PC and Popcornhour stream perfectly well via wired connection from the same router on the same 30Meg connection then?
Message was edited by: ShaunR_UK
Message was edited by: ShaunR_UK
I also have no problems viewing BBC HD programmes on iPlayer using my PC, only on the BDP-S380. And why if I fast forward the programme before it crashes, which is quite difficult to do, can I then watch all the programme with out a glitch. However, if I rewind to the very beginning it crashes again. Has anyone in Sony replicated this problem??