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Can I replace DDR266 module memory by DDR333 on my Vaio


Can I replace DDR266 module memory by DDR333 on my Vaio

Hi All,

I recently bought a VAIO RS104 Pentium IV 2.66 Ghz , this one is shipped with 256MB DDR 266 (pc2100) memory module . I whishe to replace the memory module in place by 512MB DDR333 (pc2700) supported by the chipset I845 PE, so I have opened an issue to E-Support which has answered to go at "upgrade memory link" [:">] to know the memory supported . it is indicated that I should only add memory DDR266 . I asked E-support why I cannot add DDR333 whereas the chipet I845 PE does support up to DDR333, since no answer E-support nor on the question about the motherboard used . Could you please help ..
Sorry if I did some mistake I am a french guy ...

Thanks in advance,

Cheers, Eric .


Sony have a spec. sheet and never deviate from what is written on it - I guess that we will only find out if it works when somebody physically tries it :slight_frown:

Yep, they just haven't tested it themselves.



Thanks you very much at all for your help .

Eric .

No problem.


Hi All,

I asked YOURLAND (retailer) for advice and finally bought a memory module Samsung 512MB DDR333 . I added the memory on my VAIO and it works fine. I had increased the pagefile.sys .

Many thanks for all your help

Eric :smileygrin:

Is the memory running at the higher speed Eric?


Hi Rob,

i don't know if the memory is runnig at the higher speed !!! Can you tell me how can I
check it . I installed Sandra on my vaio may be I could be see something with it but
I am not familar with this sotware . Could you please help ..

Regards, Eric .


Lo there,

I'll clear up your confusion now :slight_smile:

You can use higher speced memory eg: pc333 in a machine which only supports lower spec eg: pc266 you can even mix and match memory speeds. However, if you have a PC which supports pc333 but currently only has pc266 in it, then put some pc333 in and leave in the pc266, your memory will only run @ pc266 speeds. It has to go at the speed of the slowest module.

Likewise, if your pc supported speeds up to say pc266 and you took that out and put some pc333 in, you will still only run @ pc266.

I'll give you an example.

I have a Vaio desktop which had 512MB of PC266 in it. My pc could support up to pc333 and, Sony set their memory timings to quite passive settings for stabillity reasons. this makjes memory bandwidth quite poor in Sony machines. So, I went out and bought 512MB PC400 which when run @ Pc333 speeds, would tell my BIOS to run very agressive memory timings automatically. I took the old stuff out and put the new stuff in.

This made quite a big diffirence to my memory throughput as measured by Sandra, it almost doubled it.

The above example though shows you how you can take memory rated for a faster system and use it in your own PC. The other thing as I touched upon earlier is the memory timings otherwise known as CAS. My Sony came fitted with CAS 3, the stuff I'm using now is CAS 2 and that also makes a big diffirence.

Hope that clears things up.

We weren't confused :laughing:

The only thing that we were unsure of was whether the motherboard of the computer supported the higher speed memory. It would've been pointless buying the faster, higher priced memory if the motherboard couldn't fully support the required data rate.