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Hi. I have a vaio VGC LV1S and every few days the wireless keyboard and mouse stop communicating with the PC. a straigh restart doesn't correct it, I have to shutdown, then start up. Any ideas? it's frustrating the hell out of me.
Hi. I have a vaio VGC LV1S and every few days the wireless keyboard and mouse stop communicating with the PC. a straigh restart doesn't correct it, I have to shutdown, then start up. Any ideas? it's frustrating the hell out of me.
any advice on fixing this would be much appreciated thanks. do you want to post it here, or i can give you an email address?
I think many others would appreciate the fix being posted here on the forum. You are not alone with this problem!
any advice on fixing this would be much appreciated thanks. do you want to post it here, or i can give you an email address?
Hi. I have a vaio VGC LV1S and every few days the wireless keyboard and mouse stop communicating with the PC. a straigh restart doesn't correct it, I have to shutdown, then start up. Any ideas? it's frustrating the hell out of me.
I too have had this same problem. I have found out from SONY how to fix it with a setting on Device manager. Let me know if I can help you.
As StevieBird has not responded to requests of details of the alleged fix I have asked Support whether there is a known solution.
In order to narrow down the problem can any members with this issue confirm whether this is related or unrelated to entering sleep mode?
its not in sleep mode...many thanks
Thank you samsamly, I will report that to Vaio Link.
I have been informed that very occasionally there is a problem with this particular model and that the only solution is a firmware related repair.
Anyone with this problem should call Vaio Link via Support tab at the top of this page.