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Hi Folks
My Notebook goes into standby after 60 seconds after vista service pack 2 install. I have un- installed and reinstalled sp2 by that didn't work. has anybody had this problem and how do I stop it?
Vaio FE41S
Hi Folks
My Notebook goes into standby after 60 seconds after vista service pack 2 install. I have un- installed and reinstalled sp2 by that didn't work. has anybody had this problem and how do I stop it?
Vaio FE41S
Hi Folks
My Notebook goes into standby after 60 seconds after vista service pack 2 install. I have un-
Thanks for the tip. Do you have a URL for this DLL so I get the right one.
installed and reinstalled sp2 by that didn't work. has anybody had this problem and how do I stop it?
Vaio FE41S
I had this problem - also s1, s2, CD Eject & Stamina/Eject button does not work.
To fix your 60 second error install the Sony DLL update from their website - that fixed it for me.
Hope this helps
(please let us know if your S buttons work)
Sorry messed up that reply.
Do you have a URL for this DLL so I get the right one.
Hi clever_trevor
My S buttons still work, as do my CD eject button.
This is odd; Sony removed that update from the update site
was @
Called Sony Utilities DLL
so, sorry now cannot help,
I have updated my graphics card drive from Sony and this seems to have done the trick, so if any of you Vaio fans have this problem after installing Vista SP2 my tip is check out you driver updates
Thanks for your help.