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I`ve just brought a new Vaio Fw4 series configured by me and it has a stuck pixel is there anything i can do to get a new one or something to fix these problem , i buy it from the Deutchland site for sony and i`ve got to go at home in Romania in 1 week is there a way to fix these ?
Hi shady21,
welcome to Club VAIO..:smileyhappy:
I can thoroughly understand your disappointment, unfortunately one stuck pixel is less than the stated maximum number of tolerated stuck pixels, which I believe has to be higher than 9 for the Vaio FW series..
There are all manner of reported solutions, on the net, that supposedly fix a stuck pixel but I have never used the programs so can't say if they are any good..
Here's three that I found with a quick google, use at your own risk..
Dead Pixel buddy or Stuck Pixel Sweeper