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My Sony Vaio VGC-V2S has all of a sudden stopped outputting audio. Have tried iTunes , WMP , Sonicsatge , none produce any sound , have tried built in and seperate speakers , still nothing , volume settings are ok , mute is not ticked , so what can it be ????? Is there a sound card ? If so could that be a problem ?? The device manager doesnt show any errors ?? Please help
Hi!, I have a VAIO CS-11 and I had the same problem but only I had communicated my laptop with my mobile bluetooth, you can try to disconnect the bluetooth, and after reconnect it.
I hope to help u!
i assume you have done a system restore to a time before the problem with the sound loomed up. Also if you go into the device manager and open up the tree under audio uninstall the driver and restart
I tried both of these and still no audio ?? for some reason the system restore wont let me go back to previous dates , it keeps saying ' could not restore ' , try another date ????
I forgot to mention that a house down the road was struck by lightning the other day and seems to have frazzled my neighbours tv and my holuse phones ....
I bought a USB soundcard which brought the audio back to life but it sounds terrible, i need to get the soundmax card on the motherboard replaced/repaired or working somehow , any suggestions ??