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A few days ago I bought a Vaio and every time I switch it on I get FOUR warnings:
Vaio care has stopped working
Vaio SAT Survey.exe has stopped working
Welcome Launcher has stopped working
ElbyCDIO not running/ElbyCheck will stop
I've tried restoring system settings but it says an error occurred while doing that. I don't know what to do...otherwise, the system seems to be working fine. I'd really appreciate any help.
Hi nima272 and welcome to Club Vaio.
If your Vaio does not work properly and is only a few days old, you should take it back to the shop and ask them to put it right or give you a replacement. I would not let them offer to send it away for repair - insist on a fix or a replacement.
The good news is that the first three errors will not affect the running of your Vaio and are just a nuisance caused by hyperactive marketing folk. They will probably disappear over time but you can probably stop these programs running in the first place by visiting Task Scheduler and disabling the three respective startup programs.
For the fourth CD I/O error, have you installed any disc copying software or any other CD/DVD programs?
thank you so much for replying.
I've disabled the Vaio things so hopefully that'll get rid of that problem.
I downloaded dvd region killer so maybe that could be causing the other? I might uninstall it and see if that fixes it.
Thanks again