Share your experience!
Hi there everyone, was wondering if anyone here can help me out (as i cant find diddly squat on the internet).
I've recently got this PC (VGC-RC202) off a friend of mine (unused and still in box)as I need a computer to do my office work etc. My partner has set it up for me, but has also discovered not as new as i'd expected (circa 2006), so it has been downloading updates for a little while now lol.
We are having difficulties in setting up the media receiver (VGP-MR200U/E), there are several quickstart/setup guides that come with the unit... some state to plug into the comp, some state to plug straight in to etc etc. My partner has tried endlessly to set this up, and even searched the internet.... only to find posts dating back to a couple years ago with some ppl having issues & some dont.
What we would like is to be able to stream our media wirelessly from our PC (upstairs) to the TV (downstairs). This PC is connected to the internet wirelessly, as well as another laptop.
Media center is installed, but i cannot locate the media connect software. When trying to download, an error message come up recarding the microsoft framework, but we've checked this and that framework version is installed etc.
Due to the age of this product we are having difficulties in finding articles relating to this problem....
Hopefully someone can help?
Hi chelle2286 and welcome to Club Vaio
The Network Media Receiver is something that only a few had the patience to get running properly. Consequently hands on advice is sketchy.
Have you tried following the Wireless Setup instructions from the manual?
VGP-MR200U/E Manual
Hi chelle2286 and welcome to Club Vaio
The Network Media Receiver is something that only a few had the patience to get running properly. Consequently hands on advice is sketchy.
Have you tried following the Wireless Setup instructions from the manual?
VGP-MR200U/E Manual