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I have a Sony VAIO VGN-AR51M and it plays most bluray dvds. When i load up WinDVD BD it comes up with the message 'The AACS Key has expired. You may not be able to play back some titles. Press "Yes" to update.' If i press yes it signs me into to correl and comes up with an error message saying 'Error Code: R03-Explanation:Cannot find matching AACS Key or patch.' If i press no to the update it lets me play most movies such as 'BLACK HAWK DOWN' AND '300' but wont let me play a new dvd (Green street 2) and says 'WinDVD stops plaback because of AACS error check' and goes to a blank screen. I have downloaded all available updates from Sony.
Please can anyone help? Greatly appreciated.
Please can nobody tell me to by other software.Thank you.
After many attempts it still just says updating
It acts as if it is updating but doesn't actually seem to do anything, i have left it for half an hour at a time and still nothing happens
Any advice?
It has now been 2 hours of 'updating'. Does a message show to let me know it has updated?
Ok i give up
After leaving it to 'update' for 4 hours, NOTHING happened
What do i need to do???
Corel have told me it is updating and just to wait until it says update complete
Is it normal for it to take a long time?
Any help please...
All I can suggest is that you wait for the Sony/Intervideo Update due over the next week.
EDIT: By the way, I cannot download the updated AACS Keys either - I get to "Downloading Keys" then nothing happens. This frustration means I have asked Sony to speed up the update as I suspect the update is needed before the Keys can be updated.
Thanks Blencogo ,
Well all i can say is i hope they hurry up. It can't take too long as Corel manage to keep up to date
It is now saying on the corel link when i click yes, Currently there is no new key or patch available for your player. Please see the following table:
Error: R10
Explanation: The maximum number of renewal trials has exceeded.
Solotion: Submit Product Information* to request for Technical Support.
Has anybody else had a message like this? Does it mean my laptop doesn't recognise the software as the full preinstalled version, so i'll need to download it again??
Thanks for your help, Mark.
Hi again,
Just wondering if their is an update coming out whether it will be on VAIO Update or whether i'll have to keep checking the website? This is becoming more and more frustrating
Sorry Mark I'm getting as frustrated as you. The other language forums here on Club Vaio have the same complaints.
Sony say there is a problem with the Corel site. I will give them another day or so and then go over a few peoples' heads as it is now out of hand.