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I have a Sony VAIO VGN-AR51M and it plays most bluray dvds. When i load up WinDVD BD it comes up with the message 'The AACS Key has expired. You may not be able to play back some titles. Press "Yes" to update.' If i press yes it signs me into to correl and comes up with an error message saying 'Error Code: R03-Explanation:Cannot find matching AACS Key or patch.' If i press no to the update it lets me play most movies such as 'BLACK HAWK DOWN' AND '300' but wont let me play a new dvd (Green street 2) and says 'WinDVD stops plaback because of AACS error check' and goes to a blank screen. I have downloaded all available updates from Sony.
Please can anyone help? Greatly appreciated.
Please can nobody tell me to by other software.Thank you.
Thanks Blencogo ,
Please will you keep me updated by posting in this thread
The really annoying thing about this is that the longer it takes the more money im losing because i have a LoveFilm account and have two Blu-Ray discs that have been waiting to be played and i don't want to swap them for other DDV's before i've watched these
Even my trials have now given up on me and are no longer playing
Anyway i've got a week off next week so hopefully the update will have been released by then
Well i got the unofficial update via vaio support email and that worked fine and am now trying to download the official one via vaio update but it keeps saying 'this upgrade patch can't apply to your version of WINDVD'.
Any help?? Mark.
It is now saying i need this update: WinDVD BD 8.0 - 07/01/2009 56.56 MB (EP0000171783) and says it can't apply to my version
Is this the reason for being unable to play blu-ray discs?
Thanks, Mark.
Ok, I have just about had enough
It is saying that i can not update my WinDVD so what does it expect me to do
VAIO Update is telling me i need this update but then says it isn't compatible wtih mine!!
So basically i need to update the software, i can't update vai the software(corel link), and i can't update via Sony unless there is a new update that is coming out this week which fixes this problem.
Check which version of WinDVD is now installed on your Vaio because all updates must be installed in sequence.
1. Open the directory "C:\Program Files\InterVideo\DVDBD\" .
2. Right-click the file "WinDVD.exe", choose "Properties", click "Details" tab.
3. The "File version" must state: to be able to install the new version.
I see the new version WinDVD BD Update - is available on the download site of some Vaios - AR31S, AR41S, FW21Z etc but not all yet.
I will try it later this evening on my AR31S.
EDIT: I have just re-read your post. If you have installed the new update once from the ftp server you cannot install it again from Vaio Update.
Hi Blencogo,
It says it is version but is asking me to update the AACS Key still, and Vaio update is asking me to do the 'WinDVD BD 8.0 - 07/01/2009 56.56 MB (EP0000171783)' update and says it can't apply to my version
Any solutions you can think of or should i just wait to see if one comes out for my version?
Thanks for your help , Mark.
EDIT: Mine is an AR51M so could the downloading of the update from the VAIO Support e-mail not have updated properly even though it said successfully installed?
Also the update Vaio Update wants me to do is an old one so if i didn't install this could it have affected it now?
The first update seems to have worked OK for you.
If you try to install it again it is telling you that the update can only be applied to version 670. As you have already updated it is telling you that it can only work on the older version 670.
I will try and install it later - my broadband speed is very slow at this time of day and the Vaio-Link servers are slow anyway.
I am still pursuing the AACS Key problem. Sony say ot is a Corel website problem and Sony HO (Japan) are trying to get Corel to fix it.
I will keep you posted.
I will try and install it later - my broadband speed is very slow at this time of day and the Vaio-Link servers are slow anyway.
Thanks Thalamus and Blencogo, well if it is a corel problem i would have at least expected them to let me know as i have sent several emails to them too
Anyway hopefully this issue can finally be resolved as i don't really want to have to pay extra to be able to play a blu-ray disc on a laptop that should be able to play them fine.