Can anyone help?
I have a Sony FZ21Z which I have happily been running my Blu-Ray movies on via a Philips 1080p LCD TV using Powerdvd8.
Now all of a sudden, its come a cropper!
Firstly I'm getting no sound via HDMI (this is when I've switched the playback device to HDMI)
Also on Nvidea control panel it's showing my connecter as a DVI connecter and not HDMI! And thusly I can't run my Blu-Ray discs on Powerdvd, probably due to the non existence of the HDCP.
I've tried System Restore, I've updated my Nvidea driver and my Cyberlink software so thats all up to date but nothing.
Also when I go onto Playback devices for sound (before I hook it up to my TV), it shows the HDMI device as not plugged in - which it has never shown up as before (when you hook it up, it says its working which is patently isn't!).
Has anyone had this fault? And if so is there is anyway of rectifying it?