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The integrated camera on this brand new sony (Vista) works one time only per boot, if I start camera capture utility it works, close the utility and try Skype and it says the camera is used by another program.
After a reboot the camera works again but again one time only.
I have been reading some on this forum but the search does not work? Am I missing something?
Regards All
Indeed I installed this Camera Capture Utility update, which made things even worse.
It doesn 't do anything about the camera not being found or "being in use by another program", and it makes the Capture Utility now hang indefinitely every time. I can only close it via the Task Manager.
See my screenshots also at
This is my first Vaio, and I'm quite disappointed that such problems occur on such an expensive machine, with so far no feedback from Sony whatsoever.
Indeed I installed this Camera Capture Utility update, which made things even worse.
HI all, I had the same problems. Installed the Vaio update, rebooted, then the camera worked but did not save the files. After next booting same procedure. After doing this some times it seems to work now. Interesting that after updating and rebooting Vista started in the emergency modus. All in all I am disappointed of the not working of an internally installed feature....
FE41M / le même problème pour moi après la mise à jour...
Avant tout fonctionnait normalement , maintenant le webcam se bloque sur une application pour toute une session
unfortunately your suggestion was unsucessful in resolving this problem on my VGN-FE41E.
Thanks anyway!
Ellie t
Same here. Any solution from Sony?
ya also have this problem. have the same as yourself but the only thing is that it will not work on the still images. the video capture is np. since this is my first sony :smileygrin: , can anyone tell me what is there eta to getting thing fixed?
Clearly a fix aint out there at the moment cos there's loads of threads about the camera capture utility being gubbed. I've followed all the advice that's been given so far but alas no, it's still screwed.
To be honest the camera seems to work fine through Skype and so on so I guess it's just a crappy bit of software that we probably don't need anyway.
Yes I have the same problem on my VGN-AR31E when using Skype and I reported it to Sony 3 or 4 weeks ago, no bug fix yet! And more and more threads about this issue, especially for those who use Messenger, hopefully I don't.
My problem: the motion eye will operate when I first connect to Skype. If I stop the call and want to call someone else, then the motion eye will not work anymore, the message is that "the camera is in use by another application". I need to reboot the Vaio to have it work again.I installed the updates, nothing changed.
Hi all,
Have you tired this possible solution..
Install the VCCU Update if it is available, it should be listed in the download section for your Vaio on the Vaio-Link site, select your Vaio model from the list..
Then downloaded and installed the Microsoft Camera Hotfix KB931812 (I've attached this file below)