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The integrated camera on this brand new sony (Vista) works one time only per boot, if I start camera capture utility it works, close the utility and try Skype and it says the camera is used by another program.
After a reboot the camera works again but again one time only.
I have been reading some on this forum but the search does not work? Am I missing something?
Regards All
Identical problem here. I have a VAIO VGN-FE41S.
Identical problem here. I have a VAIO VGN-FE41S.
Thats interesting - I cant even get the camera capture utility to work in vista on my SZ3 - when I try to install the Vista Utility (from the sony vista driver site), Vista claims the software you are installing is not designed for Vista.
Same problem here! Actually when I start the camera capture utility from the system tray there is no way I can close the application (only by means of task manager of course )
Exactly the same problem here guys!
yep, same overehere with the fe41s.
Same problem with my Fe41Z.
And yep, I have the same problem with my VGN-FE41S.
See also:
(screenshots in dutch though).
I have opened a ticket for this issue at the Sony Vaio helpdesk in Brussels 10 days ago.
Waiting for a feedback...