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The DVD combo drive from pioneer dvd rw DVR K16D has dissapeared from the system(VGN-FJ1S/W). Can some one please give me advice on how to fix this problem.
Hi rahulguru and welcome to the forum.
If Device Manager is reporting an error code of 19, 31, 32, 37 or 39 for the drive then it is probably a registry problem. I recommend that you backup your registry before proceeding, have a look here if you are unfamiliar with this.
1.Click Start > Run and type: REGEDIT , and hit enter. Or type Regedit in the search field and then double click on Regedit (under Programs)
2. Navigate to - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and locate UpperFilters, (if available) right click on this and select Delete and then OK.
3. Under the same Registry Key locate LowerFilters, (if available) right click on this and select Delete and then OK.
4. Quit Registry Editor and re-boot the computer, new registry values will be created.
If you are not comfortable with editing the registry then there is an automated script available at Kellys-Korner that will do this for you – line 339 second column.
After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, you may possibly need to re-install your burning software – but not necessarily.
hanks for your advice, I tried it but unfortunately that did not work. Could you please suggest something else.
Hi rahulguru,
Is the drive recognized in Device Manager and if so what is the status reported when you right click the device and select properties?
The drive is not recognized by the device manager.
hi rahulguru
have you tryed downloading drivers for the drive
if so if it still hasnt shown up in device manager it could be
a fault on the drive
what windows are you using on this computer?
if its vista then this problem had been known to show alot untill a restore is done to the computer
if its xp then remove the drive and put it back in and look for any changes
Thanks for the reply. I have windows XP. I tried to remove the drive but was unable to do so.
Sony XP drivers for the FJ have not been made. You have to go for a vista. If you software need XP try setting up a dual boot to read your disk and carry on with XP and Vista. You can do this with partition pro and a copy of vista
Hi rahulguru and welcome to Club Vaio.
You seem to be getting some conflictong advice! The FJ-Series was, of course, only manufactured with XP installed.
I don't want to worry you but we have had a number of optical drive problems on the FJ-Series.
Most users with symptoms like yours end up replacing the drive - littlebucko has given good advice because if it is not present in Device Manager at all then it is 99% certain that the drive is faulty or has become disconnected. Removing and reinserting the drive may help. It may be worth trying a full system recovery back to factory settings using the Vaio Recovery Tool but this is clutching at straws as it is unlikely to be a software issue.
Replacement drives are quite cheap these days - £30 upwards - have a look at this one but you will find many more with google: -
You need an IDE drive (one with the back right-hand corner missing)and be prepared to do a little DIY to get the old Vaio faceplate to fit onto the drive and not spoil the Vaio's lines.
Unfortunately, removing the drive involves removing the keyboard as the drive is held in with an internal screw. I can send you instructions if you wish but you will have to PM your email address to me as the PDF is too big to attach here.
Opps my bad