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I have a problem with my laptop. My laptop screen gets distorted randomly. Horizontal lines start to appear and the screen changes colour, however, if I am playing a video for example, I can hear it properly, only the screen gets stuck and nothing on the screen moves! When I try to adjust to the laptop lid, it has to be at a certain angle before the screen goes better but then it happens again! Why does this happen and how can I get rid of it? Can somebody help me please?
Hi Diamond-X and welcome.
If it improves by moving the screen angle it sounds to me like a poor electrical connection in the wiring between the Vaio and the screen.
What model Vaio do you have?
Can you try plugging it into an external screen with the VGA monitor connection? If the external screen works properly then you must suspect a connection to the screen or the screen itself. Both of these would require a repair.