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Sound recommendations for KDL37EX723

Sound recommendations for KDL37EX723

Having recently upgraded from an old faithful Trinitron CRT to LED, I am very happy with my new toy apart from one thing - the sound quality. I therefore want to add extra power but I do have specific needs:-

I don't want loads of speakers, wires, subwoofer boxes or anything like that - I have in mind a sound bar that I can just hook up to the TV.

I want to control it from the TV remote so I require HDMI compatibility and therefore want to know what if any non Sony products will work via the TV remote as well as Sony products.

I do not want to be blasted out of the room. I just want a bit more bass and treble and stereo effects.

I have not explored the 3D capability of the set yet, but want the option of doing so, so want a selection that will be compatible with 3D.

The set lives in the corner of the room. It will not go anywhere else due to room layout.

The speaker must synchronise with what is on screen at all times.

The speaker must be capable of sounding as if the words are coming out of the TV not a foot away.

Would any of the various 40" monolithic Sony soundbars be adaptable for use with my set even if it meant placing it on the stand in front of the TV as a standalone?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Finally can Sony technicians please explain why the set is capable of playing 30 odd year old clips from You Tube such as the old Anglia TV Knight ident without any detriment to sound quality and depth (it is blasted out of the TV!) yet is incapable of dealing with modern day sound the same way that a CRT set does. I know the old argument about lack of space on LED sets but it does not quiet run true when it handles old sound recordings in an acceptable manner.


I take it no one has any suggestions for a straightforward simple HDMI connected sound option then?