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RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.


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No there is nothing wrong with my aerial, all my TVs and my other PVRs work perfectly, it is only the Sony which fouls up. I have done a factory reset and retune and it finds all the channels but does not put them in the correct place, for example ITV3 is replaced with a French channel (TMC I think), also D8 is a French channel rather than being empty.

RDR HXD995 Owner, I am disappointed this has happened again, come on SONY sort it out !


Assume that a petrol company puts the wrong additive into its petrol.


Some cars can cope with it, some cars can't.


Whose fault is it? The petrol company or the car company?


The EPG guide people have screwed up the coding somewhere. Some PVR's can cope, some can not.


Whose fault is it? Oh it must be SONY.




The EPG people screwed up, its their fault.








Tried all the workarounds including factory reset, remove arial, rescan, replace arial etc etc to no avail. Still got unusual colour in EPG which changed to a black screen after a few seconds anyway. Selecting a channel only lasted a few seconds too. This morning front panel display was stuck on 'update'.


Gave up.


Have just tried it again this afternoon and everything is OK!

The advice seems to be, if you get the problem, wait 24 hours and try again. Problem may well be sorted.


A bit irritating though as programmes did not record yesterday. However, 'Farscape' is repeated on monday morning so can look forward to two episodes in the evening!


Shouldn't complain really as recorder has performed faultlessly since 2008. It was reassuring though to read through these posts to find I was not alone and that the problem was simply a corrupted EPG. 


As I posted yesterday. . . . mine and my mother-in-laws RDR-HXDs machines weren't working last night and this morning were stuck in the dreaded 'update' mode.

I did the on/off button thing on both to get out of 'update' and they are both fine now showing UK EPG details and no Timer recordings lost. We didn't try the French EPG but it seems the EPG people have fixed their problem.


Credit where credit is due, it was a lot better response and grasp of the problem than last year.


Thanks to Quinnicus for the tips / tricks and updates.


Many thanks, that's sorted out both my RDR-HXD870's.

friday 30th may 16:00. here we go again. it was ok when i recorded the good wife overnight but lunchtime today it's gone haywire again only showing a couple of seconds of a channel before losing it and it won't currently accept the accepted solutions.

Not applicable

PLEASE Please please dont say its gone again.  Ill monitor this thread to see if others can confirm (just incase its a one off).




Yep, mines packed up AGAIN. I think Sony have lost it.

Sent from my iPad

Just checked ours. Belmont Transmitter is not showing any problem @ 1745