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MKV files not playing on BDV E370 ?

MKV files not playing on BDV E370 ?

There's another post on this forum which suggests that you use Handshake to solve your problems.

Handshake recompresses the file, which will tamper with your audio & video quality and reduce the file size.

I've got a better and quicker way of fixing these files:

Do the following, this worked a treat for me. I tried this on files that I had created from blu-rays which all played fine on a PC. I had thought were useless for my e370, but they just need a slight re-ajustment:

Download Mediainfo

Use this on the file which you have which will not play on your box, I'm betting that within Mediainfo it'll appear like this:

Any files which show (Header stripping) within Mediainfo will not play on your sony box, so you need to get rid of this.

You do this by:

Download Mkvtoolnix

Launch 'MKVmerge GUI'

Goto: File -> Options & tick in the 'mmg' tab 'Disable header removal compression for audio and video tracks by default'.

Click 'OK'

Add the offending file to the 'Input' tab.

Make sure all tracks required are ticked.

Then either 'Add to job queue' and start later from 'Muxing' / 'Manage jobs' or click 'Start muxing' straight away it'll take about 5mins for a 4gig file to remove its header, rather than up to 2hrs to recompress the whole file in Handshake.

Load the file again in Mediainfo and you'll get:


Excatly the same settings minus the (Header stripping).

Put the file on a USB device and let your player see if it can play it!

*Note, you might still get "Unable to play Audio Source", this in my case disappeared after a few seconds and the file played perfectly.

**MKVmerge is also fabulous for splitting those large files so they'll fit on your FAT32 device, see 'Splitting' in the 'Global' tab.