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DSC-HX50V - Why is it not available in the UK?


DSC-HX50V - Why is it not available in the UK?

Sony or anyone else who may know. Why is the DSC-HX50V not available in the UK? I have a DSC-HX9V and looking to upgrade, if Sony has no plans to make this available then I'll just have to take my custom elsewhere because I use GPS alot!!! : :slight_frown:

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cazzy33 wrote:

Just looking through the exif files I kept from the demo, and yes you are correct. I do appologise

No worries it's an easy thing to miss..:smileyhappy:

Look for the same answer - - looking to upgrade from my HX20V. They have added wifi with the HX50V which was one on the features I was looking for in order to upgrade. But if the GPS version of the HX50 is not available in the UK, I won't bother.

I was also looking to upgrade from the HX9 to HX50V. Sony please tell us if you intend to release the HX50V in the UK.

I was all ready to order when I noticed this omission. Will not buy without the GPS, and lets hope it works better than the HX9.

Hi Philbz,

Welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..

You usually do not get a direct reply from sony on this forum as I posted above I checked with a contact in Sony & he stated that there is nothing showing on the system that Sony UK will be stocking the HX50V, all I can suggest is that you contact Sony Sales by calling 0207 365 2413..


I was also frustrated by the absence of the 50V and emailed the Sony Press Office and this is their response 


Hi Chris,

I apologise about the confusion and can confirm that the HX50V will not
be coming to the UK. 


-----Original Message-----
From: chrislallen
Sent: 13 May 2013 14:53
To: Edwards, David
Subject: Re: Sony HX50V

Thanks for getting back to me

Have already bought from Sony Direct and am in possession of HX50
thinking it had GPS in it so was extremely disappointed to find the
latest model hadn't as I thought this had become a standard feature on
this range (my previous camera was the HX5 which introduced me to the
feature which I now do not want to do without !). 

When I read your press release which mentions the HX50V and GPS
functionality, combined with UK companies on the internet offering this
model and talking about it as a standard as well as the Sony Centre in
Plymouth saying they were expecting it any day now I am even more

If this is a definite no go will keep the HX50 as I was planning on
returning it to await the arrival of the HX50V - if you could confirm
that the HX50V will never ever be available in the UK I would appreciate

Thank you once again for getting back to me


Chris Allen

On 13 May 2013, at 11:54, "Edwards, David" <>

Hi Chris,

The DSC-HX50V is not actually being stocked in the UK where only the
DSC-HX50 is available. If you're interested in the none-GPS model then pre-ordering through Sony Direct or Amazon is your best shout.

I hope that is useful.


-----Original Message-----
From: chrislallen
Sent: 10 May 2013 15:40
To: Edwards, David
Subject: Sony HX50V


Just wondered if you knew when the HX50V would be available in the UK

Have tried Sony and none of the guys knew anything about it even 

suggesting the model might not be available in the UK

Appreciate any information at all

Many thanks

Chris Allen


Edit: email address removed, privacy protection.

Hi Guys,


Just reading the posts regarding this camera and the GPS issue. I took a serious look at this camera, compared to the HX20V which does have GPS. I was also worried about the lens not opening up enough as I like taking low light shots without flash and I didn’t think that the HX50 would be good at this. I checked out sample pictures on a site called where you can directly compare sample photographs from a huge range of cameras and not only was I unimpressed by the low light performance of the HX50 compared to the HX20V but overall I didn't think the general picture quality was better than the HX20V, especially given the current price difference.


I have since bought the HX20V and use it every day and it is a fantastic camera, does sometimes overexpose on automatic settings a little which can easily be corrected. I certainly don’t miss the 30X zoom compared to the HX20V's 20X zoom as I rarely find I need it in real life.


The HX20V can currently be bought for £170 on Amazon with £30 being credited to your Amazon account when the camera is despatched to you, so a total of £140 for a top notch camera, bargain!!


In summary after comparing the two cameras for the money you'd be mad not to buy the HX20V.