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AWB and creative style changes in Sony RX-100


AWB and creative style changes in Sony RX-100

I'm a new RX-100 owner, trying my best to understand and apply different settings. I have a few questions and I hope someone here can answer.


Some people have changed the AWB to either A1 or A1/G1 since photo colour may appear a little cool. If this is done, and one shoots in either of the two auto modes, will the modified AWB be applied or will the camera still use the original AWB in auto mode?


Some people have also changed the contrast, saturation and sharpness but there is no consensus in this regard. My conclusion is that raw shooters who will do a lot of photo editing afterwards prefer to tone down these parameters whereas jpeg shooters who prefer a good looking photo directly out of the camera with no or very little editing turn up these parameters. Is this correct thinking or am I wrong?


Some also use the landscape setting all the time to enhance colours. I guess it is a matter of taste and I will do a lot of test shooting to see what look I prefer myself, but I'm a jpeg shooter and I would prefer not to do more editing than occasional cropping etc. simply due to a lack of time. In this case, which settings are recommended? Standard or landscape style? Leave contrast, saturation and sharpness on default settings or change these?


Furthermore, when changes are made to contrast, saturation and sharpness in different creative styles, are these modified settings also applied in the two auto modes when a style is used or does the camera use the original style settings (0, 0, 0)? Basically this is the same type of question as the one about AWB changes above.


Looking forward to any response!