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XZ Premium cannot Power On


XZ Premium cannot Power On

Just found my XZ Premium can no longer boot. Tried the VolUP+POW key combination for 120 sec with and without charger plugged in and still no luck.

It gives no response including the LED, vibrator and the screen.

After charger plugged in for hours and nothing changes... Tried all force reboot methods I know several times, nothing happened.

By the way the charger consumes no power(measured with a power meter) when plugged to the phone and both the phone and the charger is cool.

Also it cannot enter fastboot or flash mode for software repair.

I had once the same experience with my Tablet Z, and it came back after some days.

But I am so worry about my new XPERIA XZ Premium which just arrived for a week.

Anybody could help?

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OK it's a bit tricky here but there are many things you can try and I'm not sure if you did. 

First try to find out if the computer is able to detect the phone when connected to USB

Assuming ur device is off.... Press vol down button  and hold it then connect at the same time your phone to your PC. 

Your PC should detect a new hardware and attempt to install drivers. Can you make it that far ? 


It sounds like your battery is completely dead/discharged. Have you tried a different charger just to see if it charges the battery? Maybe your charger is toast and the battery is just dead???


Sure I tried to enter fastboot and flash mode with vol+/- pressed and connected to PC, and no device is recognized.

Anything else I should try?

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Yes, I think the battery may be over drained and for some reason the phone could not start charging.

I tried some other chargers/usb cables other than the original ones but also the phone takes no power from them according to the meter.

It may be some circuit problem related to the usb port or some other parts(mainboard?) connecting to the battery cell...