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Hello, I just set up my XZPremium at home. And even trough the initial setup i had problems with the wifi. It connects up perfectly, but it was so slow that my connection was timed out with google when i tried to login with my Gmail. Had to finish my setup using 3G.
Since then it's still rubbish. When i restart the router the connection speed goes back to where it should be, 50 / 10. But half an hour later it's useless again. Speed test show anything from 0.38 to 5 It can't download a single app from the playstore by itself.
My XZ was the same though but never went down to useless speeds.
Worst case scenario was still easily streaming full HD videos while downloading.
XZP sets the quality to 240P on youtube that's the maximum this wifi can provide.
WiFi signal is always on maximum, the router is not that faar. And works perectly on everything else.
I did set up the WiFi again and again, using WPS, then typing the pw myself, didn't changed anything.
Currently it runs youtube 144P. And my area has next to none mobile coverage, wifi would be essential on the phone.
BTW Wifi works perfectly at work. I'll try it on a public wifi.
At work i am moving around constantly withing a huge building within 13 floors, so there i am changing connection points every minute. That's definetly different from the home enviroment.
I'll try a public wifi tomorrow, but if anyone has an idea, plse don't hold it back.
My ISP is BT.
The connection is flawless. PS4, PC, TV, everything gets the full speed.
I have the same issue.
At home the wifi speed is so poor only on XZ Premium that watching youtube is almost not possible. When you set resolution to 1080p it is not able to buffer the movie fast enough and constantly the playback is stopped... Until it will load few seconds more and stops again showing loading spinner icon. It works fine on any other device including pc, tv, failstation 4 and regular XZ.
Are you using 2.4 or 5Ghz?
5G on my side. And tested again resetting the router solves the problem temporary. Run speed test few times. After restart it was 50/18 Half and hour later it's down to 6 /2.4
2.4 on my side.
Again, only this device has an issue.
Half way sorted on my side. I had to split my wifi to 2.4ghz, and 5ghz. On 5 it's useless. on 2.4 it works fine. Still chasing my provider to see what's happening on 5ghz.
Turned out that my 5ghz is useless with anything. New modem is on it's way, i'll try to give an update after i tested it.
I got the solution, had to change the channel of 5ghz wifi from automatic (smart) to one fixed channel. since then it's perfect.