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Status bar randomly disappears


Status bar randomly disappears

I've been having an issue where the status bar woukd randomly disappear at some point. It's not completely gone, it just retracts and i need to pull down from the top in order for it to temporarily reappear. And in order to get to the notification/quicm settings meu I have to pull down twice.

The issue seems to only solve itself after restarting the phone, but then again after a few hours the same issue happens.

As you can tell, it's quitr annoying.

Is there anyone else having this issue? I'm running android nougat.

Hi @Vadim_BenKatz

Is it disappearing on the homescreen, or within an app?


I have the same issue too, I haven't figured out what caused it or when it happens, but yes, it does happen in the homescreen, and from what I can tell, only in the homescreen, but once I enter an app, the issue apparently stops.

Note: I'm running Android 7.0 too.




Does it happen in safe mode?


I haven't been able to recreate the issue in safe mode yet, but I do not know what caused this bug in the first place. I'll continue to try and figure out that may have caused this bug, and see if it happens in safe mode.



Thank-you. let me know how you get on.


Dear Sony Team, this Bug is known in the Xperia Home G+ Comminuty since weeks. This is a bug between the latest Google app and Xperia Home. There a working for a fix. We cant to anything except rotate the phone in landscreen and back.


Same problem here. 🇬🇧 on nougat

Hi @Vadim_BenKatz

Your issue is due by a bug between the Xpeia Home 10 launcher and the latest update of the Google app.

You must disable the Google Now pane in the setting of the launcher or disable totally the Google app. Then clean manually the cache and after a reboot the status bar will works perfectly as before. Also the soft buttons of the navigation bar return to change (in homescreen) according to the theme used.

If this resolve your problem, check this as solution. :smileysmileythumbsup:


Hi everyone, I have some official information. Thank you everyone who noted it in the thread here. Slightly_smiling_Face

You might experience that the status bar on the Home screen of your device disappears. This is caused by a Google™ bug, and may happen if your device fulfils the following:
  • Software version Android™ 7.0 Nougat.
  • Google Now™ is enabled. This is enabled by default in Xperia™ X Compact and Xperia™ XZ.
  • Google™ app version v6.11.13.21 or later.
You can work around this bug by disabling Google Now™.
  To disable Google Now™
  1. Long press on an empty area of your application Home screen, then click Settings.
  2. Find Google Now™ and disable it.
  3. Reboot your device.