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New update 45.0.A.7.90

New update 45.0.A.7.90

Does anyone know what improvements it brings?


@StanleyKubrick wrote:

I find it hard to believe that this change in sound quality/volume is anecdotal. It appears that Sony is surreptitiously squashings bugs with these "supposed" security updates. Over 300 MB just for a security patch? I remember when an entire WIndows OS was less than that!

By fixing issues in this manner Sony does NOT have to admit to anything being wrong and eventually all the reviews start taking a positive turn. As long as they get things fixed I can live with their attempts at going incognito. 

Of course. That's the way. This is why they don't publish their logs. Also when MS puts is bugs naked their create a big advertising for hacking. Obviously they are creating a sense of incompetence. About our item it's reasonable all you say. Today I experienced a totally different experience with my JBL connected by BT. Before I was thinking that the sound quality was inferior to a Z3. The question is that this phone have a lot of potential for developing better software cause the capability of hw promise it. Another thing is that the fingerprint reader has a fast response that with the previous version. Thanks to all. 

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I could imagine sony is already working on the android 8 update for the XZP and also might includes some bugfixes and features there but they ain't very talkative about such things... 


Kunicross, this is their level of communication with the client . Both regarding release notes and future updates (roadmaps): non existing. 
