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loudspeaker is quiet even on full volume


loudspeaker is quiet even on full volume


I got my Xperia XZs last week and I'm disappointed with the quality of the loudspeaker(s).

The volume is very low even when it's on full volume and can't even hear the phone ringing when it's in my handbag... Is it really that bad quality or do I have a faulty device?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @sarde00, welcome to the community.

It's hard to say when it comes to sound. The only way would be to compare it to another XZs. Perhaps if a store has a display model you could test it and see if yours is quieter?

If you want to get it tested for sure, please contact your Local support team.


To understand why all Xperia devices since the beginning have a typically lower volume level when it comes to external speakers,  one may consider  who these phones are originally produced for / designed by... specifically the Japanese Home Market. 

After spending 12 plus years in Tokyo with much time spent in Osaka, Kyoto and the rural areas outside of Komatsu, I have yet to witness even one person make use of their external speakers in any setting in Japan, from using in their home to using outside or in an office or other situation.

I have never seen anyone use speakerphone, and when I'm on the train, which is where most people have the most time with their devices, it's headphones only 100%  the train is a place of Silence. ( and that's where the importance of high resolution audio comes in.. it's all about the hi res music from the Mora service to work in tandem with the high-resolution Sony in-ear-phones and headphones.) 

Xperia is very much a Japanese product created for the Japanese consumer first and produced in competition with Fujitsu arrows and other home market devices. It's wonderful that they release these in other parts of the world, but it is what it is. 

( and one has to assume this is why they never make the camera as 100% perfect as it could be... because they are hoping you will get the Sony RX100 Mark V or an Alpha camera, and then use the NFC transfer feature, which is what I do and it's actually a much better experience than relying solely on a smartphone camera) 

It would make sense for Sony to put more effort and time into the more important aspects and features,  such as the television functions and the quality of the television wire in the interface, which I have noticed is missing in versions other than the Japanese Market. 

Can't be on the train without my NHK. 

Sorry for the long story, but I've noticed so many comments about speaker volume over the years, and I just realized that most on here and might not realize all of the above.