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Lots of problems, solutions.


Lots of problems, solutions.

I use for about 4 months a Sony Xperia XZ (with great caution) and wanted to inquire whether others also have the same problems as me.
These are problems such as the temperature that really occurs very often. As soon as I use the mobile phone for surfing and not just for short telephoning, the device is extremely fast extremely warm, so it really only a torment will hold it in the hand. Another problem is the performance, which is probably a result of the temperature problems. My Xperia is really only hanging on and in all applications. So it is not unusual for my camera to take a commemorative minutes until it starts or that on my start screen the apps are eternally needed until they appear. For example A video> 10 minutes on Youtube becomes unbearable when the mobile phone is sooooo hot and the video does not hang because of the network just because of the performance. And with other secondary apps which are only discreetly more powerful, one can then probably think what it looks like there ...
In addition, one would have to say that all updates have been carried out so far.
My question would be, are the problems with you so extremely represented?
Can one vllt the mobile phone send back to examine it or even exchange?
I thank you in advance for your answers