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Hi, I found out yesterday a trick to force the resolution without root in native 2160x3840p simply via adb. I wrote in the blog AndroidKosmos about it, which is in German, but easy to understand with the Gtranslator. You only need of course the drivers, connect to the pc, enter adb shell as well wm size 2160x3840 and the dpi still adjust: wm density 820 its perfect for my opinion. The stock sony launcher isn't optimize yet, but i always use Nova or Evie.
I tried it but I found that the phone dialer app keeps crashing and cannot answer calls in this display mode. I had wm density = 800. Did this happen for you?
Sorry but this is the 4th or so active thread on native 4k.
And no, the dialer issue still persists, use 1440p.
Yes the dialer crashed for me too. In fact I changed to 4k on the first day I bought the device.
Here is a link to a dialer that works for me with 4k and 807dpi