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Do not disturb mode is switching itself off


Do not disturb mode is switching itself off

Hi guys

I am proud owner of an XZ and in general I am pretty happy with it. There is only one thing which is driving me nuts. Since there is no silent mode at all I tend to use the "do not disturb" mode, which is working fine most of the time. The problem is that the Dnd mode is switched off without me doing anything.
Anybody has the same problem or knows how to fix it


could you test the device in safe mode


Hi @Januskopf, welcome to our community!

I'm sorry to hear about that, must be very irritating. Slightly_frowning_Face

Is this something that has been occurring since you started using the phone for the first time or did it start to occur after you updated your phone or installed a new application?

When you put the phone in do not disturb mode, are you choosing a specific time when it should end, or are you using "No time limit"?

As @uliwooly recommended, safe mode is a great tool to use to make sure that a third party application isn't the cause of the do not disturb mode is being switched off by itself.

I would also recommend that you go in to Settings > Sound > Do not disturb > Automatic rules and make sure that you don't have an active rule in here that is turning it back on.

Let us know how it goes! Slightly_smiling_Face


Are you realising that you need to set the number of hours that DND stays on for?