Android 9 volume


Android 9 volume

Just had the new update. Now though, the volume keys only alter the media volume, not the ring/notification volume. Only got the option to put ring into vibrate mode or have to go into the settings. Is there a way to change this as I can't find one?  


How can this possibly be a a great change? 


@PI5TOLA, I'm not quite sure that I fully understand what you wrote, would it be possible for you to elaborate a bit? 

Thank you!

@Hyrst, for me the change is very welcome as I never adjust the call/notification volume and only adjust the media volume, but I understand that the new way this works in Android Pie is not for everyone.

I'll make sure to forward your feedback as well! Slightly_smiling_Face


As this post is getting more and more users, who are having this issue, I would suggest forwarding it quickly to the authorities.

I can understand your point, for people who don't use notification volume it is great. Though even you have to admit, that understanding dynamically (as it has been until A.9) what the users needs - aka audio in games / music apps or notifications in standby / messaging apps - is of upmost importancy. Really grinds my gears that Android is doing an typical IOS goof by reducing the users possibility. 

Fortunately I am operating a smartphone, where my guarantee doesn't brick if I change the OS. Though there are people who aren't this fortunate / technically affine.


Hi @AndroidYUDoDis!

I agree with you, this change isn't something that suits everyone and I have forwarded all the feedback since the first post about this was made. To be honest, I was expecting this change to have quite a big impact, since this is the first time the volume slider works differently since Android was released (at least from what I can remember).

I do believe that there are some applications available in the Google Play store that makes the volume slider work the same way as in Android 8 and earlier versions, that is at least something worth trying.

Thanks a lot for the feedback and have a nice day!


If something worked from the begging and no-one complained, why to change it?
It has been quite a long time now from the first complainment, why nothing has changed?
Seems, Jonas, you don't do your job well, eh?

Let people choose, if they want Media or Ringtones to change with the button. Why you obligate users to choose just one thing?

So, once more - change the volume button, like it was ALL THE TIME!


Hi @Arpeau, welcome to our forum!

The change was made by Google with the release of Android 9.0 and since I can't change the behaviour myself, I don't see how I'm not doing a good job when I have forwarded the feedback from 70+ users.

That is all I can do since I'm not the one taking the decision to change the behaviour, I'm just a Support agent.

Having the option to choose would be a good change, and I'll make sure to forward your feedback as well, but I can't make any promises that it will be changed, based on what I wrote previously.


I think most of us realize that you have done what you can. And I thank you for listening and forwarding our feedback.

It's a slippery slope, if a company decides to modify the Android that Google provides. It can delay security patches, and other updates. And when you start to modify the software, it can slowly deviate from the stock so far, that resources required to maintain it, become too much.

Yes, Sony doesn't have totally stock Android, but it's still one of the least modified. And release rate of security patches, has been exceptional in my experience. Compared to ie. Oneplus. Who also have near stock Android, but security patches have sometimes been 6 months behind on a new model.

I still think, fixing this issue would not be huge ordeal, but it's up to Sony to decide what they want to do.


Hi, Jonas

I am sorry, if I was a bit hastly unpolite on you, but you are the contact and maybe you could be a bit demanding with google-android-people. 


As there is so many users around the world (and not just in this forum), who are not happy with the change, maybe Sony would be so nice and make a special additional application for the Sony phones to allow the little, but very important choice. As the google-play is not offering any liable free-application for this problem. 


@Hezer, thank you for understanding! Slightly_smiling_Face

Yeah, it's indeed a slippery slope and I'm not quite sure what is planned for Android Q as I have not tried the beta myself and Google is making any changes to the volume slider and either makes it so the user can choose themselves what the volume buttons will change, or if they will keep it to just being media volume.

I think most users are not really frustrated with not being able to change the ring/notification volume, it seems to be more connected to the device playing the ring tone when changing the ring/notification volume in Settings > Sound. This is not of course optimal if you are in a meeting and you need to lower it, but perhaps just turning on do not disturb is the easier way of doing it, to just silence the device completely until the meeting is over.

Best of both worlds would of course be a setting where the user can choose which sound should be the default one when lowering/raising the volume with the volume buttons.

@Arpeau, no problem! Slightly_smiling_Face

I understand the frustration and you are correct, it's either me, one of my colleagues or the agents at your Local support team that can at least let the developers know about that all users are not happy with the change.

I haven't tried any of the applications that are available in the Google Play store, so I don't know how they work, but there seems to be a few free ones if you search for "Pie volume", but you have probably tried them and if they don't work, there isn't much to do.

Thanks again for understanding and trust me, I do really understand the frustration even though for me personally, it's a change for the better.

Have a great Tuesday!


Brilliant on the workaround in post 23. I also got into widgets, chose "Settings" widget, chose "Sounds " from the list and now when I tap on the widget on the main screen,  I can get to "Phone Ringtone" with less steps. Thanks!