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Добрый день. Отправил телефон по гарантии в гсц (Москва) из Ростова. Заявленный дифект : жёлтые полосы на экране и мерцание камеры при съёмке. Мне отказы ли в сервисном обслуживании по причине сколов на корпусе. Скажите, могут ли мне отказать если заявленные диффект никак не относятся к причине отказа?
Good afternoon. I sent the phone under warranty to the city center (Moscow) from Rostov. Declared defect: yellow stripes on the screen and camera flicker when shooting. Am I refused service due to chips on the case. Tell me, can they refuse me if the declared diff does not relate in any way to the reason for the refusal? - GT
Hi @Герц, sorry to hear about this.
I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
Refusing to perform service on a phone sounds a bit strange. I can only answer for the Nordic market where I am based, where if a phone has been exposed to external damage then this must be repaired before you can look into further repairs. But as this is a globally based support forum and that service routines, warranty and consumer laws may vary depending on which market/region you are located in, I believe that this question is best answered by your local support team.
I hope that helped a little bit!