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WF-1000XM3 Noise Canceling


Few days ago and after having watched several youtube reviews, I bought for myself a pair of WF-1000XM3's. Since this is not a review I will go directly to the problem that I have with them. I get absolutely no noise canceling ! No matter where I am, no matter what settings I have on the app, the result is one and the same: Good sound, phone calls no problem, but no noise canceling at all. Even tried them on an airplane and still no difference between modes. After 4 - 5 days of trying to get some noise canceling I tool them the Sony Center of my area and following a short wait the technician reported that there is no problem with the earphones. He said that they are working fine. These are awkward moments where you start doubting your own senses. On the internet this product has been advertised and presented as having "Industry leading" noise canceling but I am not getting any. Regarding the app setting I believe I am doing what every other used would do. Regarding the buds themself I have tried 2 different pairs from the offered collection but to no result. Back to service center, I refused to pick the up and I asked for a more detailed "investigation" to take place. 

Is there anybody here who has experienced the same problem and can offer some short of advice ? When a premium is paid for a feature it is nice to experience that feature out of the box. Thank you! 

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