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Android TV Home Streaming Services Not Playing Correctly

Hi all

OK - so i have a problem that is infuriating me. I love the TV, only had it a couple of weeks, had no problems - until yesterday evening. I touched on it in this post here 


All of my streaming apps, as well as YouTube are not playing correctly. 


Disney+ - picture stutters, no sound

NowTV - picture stutters, no sound

Netflex - loads very slowly, get stuck before reaching 100%

Prime - picture stutters, no sound

Youtube - fails to start playing

BBC iPlayer - picture stutters, no sound


The TV software is up to date. 


The only thing i out of the norm i did (i dont know if this has caused it) is that i had previously turned off the TV at the wall, as well as my router for 5 mins so solve a problem i had with my Sony remote losing the function to control my BT TV box in this thread here 


Tried again this morning but the issue still exists. Anyone else had this problem before?

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