
Apple TV App issues


[QUOTE="gingerninja72, post: 28056

Hi folks, a brand new XG owner here..have the 49XG9005


My question is around Apple TV: I've got a Firestick & the ATV app installed...and the PQ is pretty bad, it barely looks like, 720, the crispness isn't there, its very dark. I have a load of 4K films I bought in the iTunes sale, but the picture is poor.


I've set the HDMI input on the TV to enhanced. The resolution on the firestick I've tried on auto & 2160 @60hz@60hz, but the picture is not even close to 4K. The TV recognises  the signal as being Dolby Vision and the reduction as correct, but the picture is dull, dark, lacking in definition. Any ideas? 


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