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Suddenly my HX90V won't transfer photos to my tower computer.
I plug it in, switch on and wait for the computer screen to show the black screen with the menu to transfer new photos etc but nothing happens.
I have a DSC WX-350 and an ILCE 5000 which use the same lead and tried them and it's the same problem
Maybe there's a fault in the lead but it does show the camera screen when plugged in and if I turn off the lead supply the camera opens up to normal picture taking mode so figure there is a definite link with the lead.
I've tried plugging the same lead and camera into a laptop and same problem there
I'm non techie so I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong lingo.
Is there some computer setting that has maybe got changed?
If it's thought the fault must be in the lead can you tell me exactly what name and specification to order please?
I have the usual Home ? software installed but don't use it and always bypass it to get my pictures directly into the computer.
Hope somebody can help - many thanks