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IT'S BROKE AGAIN - KD-65XD9305 Power issue.

My Sony Bravia KD-65XD9305 will yet again not power on. Despite having the known issue of a power board failure, being "fixed" last November..  when a new power board was fitted. So this obviously does not fix the issue.


Given the amout of messing around I had to do, telephone calls, chasing telephone calls, dismantling all my AV unit etc..  should I have to go through this again? only for it to break in another 6 months?


Has this happened to anyone else? or am I just unlucky??   😞


I really want this broken tv swapping for another one that works... biggest wast of £2500 ever.


During the World cup too... I just can't believe it.


My previous thread : https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/android-tv/kd-65xd9305-power-issue-new-thread-to-document-how-the-so...

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