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KD-49X8309C remote control working intermittently

I have had the tv for about 10 months now, in the past few months the remote has worked less often over time to the point that it now works about 5 mins every day. I have got a samsung galaxy s5 which has got an ir blaster and i downloaded an app to use my phone as a remote when i got the tv anx it worked perfect. The original remote was more handy to use so stopped using the phone. When the remote started playing up i did what it said in the manual which was to change the batteries... have tried over 20 sets of batteries from duracell to rechargeable and the problem still persists, even the ir on my phone doesn't work any more. I am now using an app on my phone that uses the wifi connection called TV Sideview and this is the only thing that works which is obviously not ideal. 


When i press a button on the remote when it is working then the light comes on under where it says Sony on the tv, when it doesn't then there is no light. I have also checked that there is a signal coming from the remote by using the camera on my phone to look at the IR light and it is coming on when a button is pressed. 


I am hoping there is a fix but am thinking that it is a problem with the IR reciever on the tv.


Is there anything else i can check before taking the tv in to be repaired? 



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