KDL-55W905A optical pass through



Having trouble with the optical pass through on this set. I have to turn the speaker output to audio system to get proper DTS, DD passed through to my AV amp otherwise it seems to only pass PCM stereo.

This is a pain as I have an old AV amp with only one optical and I thought I would be able to use the TV for the HDMI inputs to pass DTS, DD out.


I don't want the AV amp on all the time only for movies ect so having to keep switching is a real pain. Why can't the TV be set to output to the internal speakers and pass through at the same time then all I would need to do is just turn the amp on and turn the TV volume down to zero.

I think this is a big design flaw for a TV that cost the best part of 2K how do you get Sony to maybe change this is a firmware update?





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