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Please can anyone help. when I try to use my Vaio zone I get a message saying. Unable to start VAIO zone because an earlier version of the Vaio entertainment platforn is installed. Please install a version of Vaio enertainment that is compatible with your Vaio zone program and restart Vaio zone. How do I do this? I miss my Tele
Hi vaslet,
could you let us know what model Vaio you have.
Have you checked for Vaio entertainment update on the Vaio support site.?
To open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list..
Then next to Select Model -
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Downloads..
Thanks very much for the advice I'll give it a bash when the kids stop bashing me.
Good luck..
Well I tried and died . So here is all the info I can give you about my p.c.
Model VGC V2S.
Bios Version 2003.
Serial No xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
Thanks for the advice.