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I've just bought a brand new VGN-CS21S and there's a noise that I don't know if it's normal or not comming out of the fan.
Whenever it starts spinning it emits a short "burst", the fan starts working normally then after a bit, when it's stopped it emits this "burst" again.
The fan keeps coming on and off in intervals of 10 seconds, when the system is idle and this noise is quite irritating.
I've included a short mp3 with the recording of the noise, present on the beginning and end of the clip.
I need to know if this noise is normal or not so I can complain to the dealer if it's abnormal.
Thank you
Hi BirdyOfPrey,
welcome to Club VAIO..
There have been similar reports of the rattle noise that your hearing with other CS series Vaio's, have a look at the following long thread: Attention VGN-CS11 users and SONY!! Problem with FAN!
I suggest you either return your Vaio to the retailer for an exchange or contact Sony Vaio support for a repair..
To contact Sony Vaio support..
Either click Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list, in your case VGN CS.
Then next to Select Model - select CS21S
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Get In Touch
Hey BirdyOfPrey,
I've been using a CS11S/Q for 9 months now and I have to say I regret buying it..
Thalamus pointed out a thread for people who had problems with their fans but that was an entirely different problem (the fan would make a weird noise WHILE starting/stopping to spin).
The problem with all the laptops in the CS series is that the fan keeps coming on and off every 10 seconds like you said, instead of slowly revving up and down like most laptop fans do. If you mail Sony they will tell you to chose "Silent Mode" under Thermal Control Strategy in the VAIO control center but just don't bother, it won't do anything. (They may tell you to restore your system as well, that's like their favorite solution to every problem you get, even if your left trackpad button doesn't work).
So what are your options?
Live with it like I have to (since I didn't return the laptop in the first 15 days so I'm not entitled to a full refund - shop's policy in portugal)
Return it if you can
You could always wait and pray for the unlikely event that Sony releases a BIOS update that fixes the problem but judging by the way they are acting with the Virtualization issue I'd wish you good luck
Thalamus pointed out a thread for people who had problems with their fans but that was an entirely different problem
judging by the way they are acting with the Virtualization issue I'd wish you good luck
Thalamus pointed out a thread for people who had problems with their fans but that was an entirely different problem
Hi hpacheco,
I believe the 'Attention VGN-CS11 users and SONY!! Problem with FAN!' thread to be relevant to BirdyOfPrey's problem because early posts of the thread make reference to an similar sound heard when the fan starts and stops & also there is a link to a Youtube file that is very similar in sound to the sound heard on the file BirdyOfPrey posted above..
Edit:(slightly of topic)judging by the way they are acting with the Virtualization issue I'd wish you good luck
There has been an update on the VT issue, Sony have informed us that they are working on a BIOS update for current Vaio models to enable VT, once the BIOS update is ready it will be available for download from the vaio-link update site..
First of all, I'm sorry for the way I said things in my previous post.