sve17133ctb vaio laptop, gpu replacement


sve17133ctb vaio laptop, gpu replacement

Hello. I am new so I'm sorry if this is the wrong section. I have a 1 year old vaio laptop:sve17133ctb 

gpu:Amd HD 7650m 2 gb
processor: i7 3632 QM 
Ram:8 GB 

So I love my laptop and there has not been any problems to this day. But as a gamer this gpu is not enough to play the new games at high settings(which is normal) so I want to replace it. I know that it is nearly impossible, even if it is it will be expensive etc. I have been searcing internet for the last couple of days and I found out that it is possible if it is a dedicated gpu and if I am not wrong HD 7650m is a dedicated gpu. Before I start to ask around and visit a local pc store, I just wanted to ask here if there is anything in my way that I dont know? I know that it is not supported by Sony and I will violate my warranty if I do this, but I am ready to take the risks cause I will either do this, or spend so much money on a gaming laptop, plus, I am very happy with this laptop. So is there anything I dont know that this dedicated gpu is somehow glued to the motherboard or something?
P.S: I am not experienced with hardware I just know a little bit, I may have wrote something wrong.
Thanks in advance.


Hi, because the GPU chip is an intergrated part of the motherboard it is not possible to upgrade your GPU.


hmm.. then why everywhere on internet people is checking if the gpu is dedicated or integrated? I checked and found out that is dedicated yet you say integrated. I even checked the graphic interface of motherboard and it says that it is PCI Express and a guy on youtube says that it is replacable. So can you explain a bit? Is this only for sony vaios? That it is impossible to replace even though the gpu is dedicated?

Dedicated and integrated are two totally different things.


A dedicated GPU means that all it does is graphics, nothing else. (i.e. dedicated to that sole task)

If a GPU is integrated, that means it is physically soldered to the motherboard. (i.e. there is no physical socket that you could put another chip in or old one out of - for all intensive purposes it is part of the motherboard)


PCI Express is a type of architecture, on desktops (where space, size and weight is not such an issue) you can have integrated and/or interchangeable cards. As far as I know this is not so for ALL laptops (stop me if I am wrong).
