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Hi all
On my VAIO RT1SU desktop, I've upgraded the OS from Vista 32 to Vista 64 Ultimate. Everything works fine however......... I need to reload some of the Sony Software originally supplied eg Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Acrobat 8.0 and SSMS . Of course these apps are on my backup recovery discs.
How do I access these applications disc please?
Hi TD4. Good to hear from you again. I trust you are well.
Bad news - as far as I am aware you cannot recover any of the preinstalled applications from the Recovery discs after a clean install of Vista.
In XP there was the option of using kcap.exe to extract most of the applications but this little loophole was firmly shut when Vista was released.
It is of course a licensing issue. The software manufacturers will only license their software when it is installed as part of the Sony OEM software package. They will not allow it to be installed free on any other system.
In the US I have heard of users copying the entire Vaio Recovery Centre directory and replacing it into the new install in C:\Program Files\Sony and then running it to 'reinstall previously installed software' but I have not heard of it being possible with the recovery discs from European Vaios.