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Hi! I just purchased a Vaio vgn bz11e with xp recovery disc and gave it to my gf, she accidentally downgraded to xp. she haven't created vista recovery disk.. Can it recover to Vista? using the recovery option by pressing F10 on boot?
Hi fragment77,
welcome to Club VAIO..
You're Vaio has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been deleted when downgrading to XP you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.
To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this normally would start the recovery process..
My gf said she already did that, and made the C recovered, and one 2nd attempt, recovered by factory settings, and its still has XP on it.
Hi fragment77,
As you didn't create a set of recovery disc's before you downgraded to XP and the recovery partition did not restore your Vaio back to Vista then I suggest you purchase a set of recovery disc's from vaio support..
You should be able to order a set of recovery disc's for your Vaio via Sony Vaio support, check that they'll recover your BZ back to the Vista OS,to find contact details for Sony Vaio support..
Open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list, in your case VGN BZ.
Then next to Select Model - select BZ11EN
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Get In Touch