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Read only files on CD-rw


Read only files on CD-rw

I have created a music cd on a CD-RW disc. I seem to have recorded the tracks in a read only format and when I came to re record over it my vaio

a) states that the files are read only

b) tells me I can simply record over them without deleting them

c) states that the cd in the drive is not blank and will not allow me to re record on the disc.

How do I get rid of read only files on the disc?


When you burn anything to a CD, it becomes read-only automatically, and you need to erase the whole CD before you can write anything else to it, unless you use a 'sessioned' burning program like Nero or WinOnCD. Afriad that you'll have to erase the whole disk and start again.


This is a kind of legacy feature of CDs because not everyone has got a CDRW but most people have CD readers, and therefore all data on a CD is considered read only


I tried to erase the files but my computer wont let me delete the files. It just states the files are read only and I cna record over them. When I come to do this the software states that the "disc is not blank, please insert a blank disc" I am using the veritas software, any other suggestions?


Disk sounds like it's corrupt, if the software works with another disk then I'm afriad that your CD is at fault. Sometimes CD's do that for no reason, I've had a couple which have done that :thinking: Frustrating, eh? :anguished:


You can not erase idividual files on a CDRW.

You need to erase the whole disk, there should be a function for this in the windows explorer and in the veritas software.