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burnt dvd out of sync usind movie shaker & click to dvd


burnt dvd out of sync usind movie shaker & click to dvd

help someone. i cannot take my home movie done on a sony ip7 camcorder to movie shaker 3.1 edit it , send it down to click to dvd in mpeg2 format & when i play it on any dvd player the lip syn is out a mile what am i doing wrong. i =have tired both dvd rw & now dvd - writable. help


Is the sound in synch if you play the file exported from MovieShaker?

If so, can you write your DVD files to the hard drive instead of the DVD drive? If you can, play the .VOB file with Windows Media Player and see if the audio synch problem occurs.

Just using a process of elimination to see where the problem occurs.


yes it is in sync when i transfer from movie shaker it seems to go out of sync when click to dvd says "seperating audio from video when creating a dvd then when you play it back on normal dvd player it is out of sync.i like add to click & like how you can seperate menu`s so it would be a shame not to use. thank you for your advice i will try what you said to eliminate this . cheers from simon. thankyou for replying.


this does not work , it definately plays ok unitl you take it to click to dvd & burn it then its out of sync after burning


help someone. i cannot take my home movie done on a sony ip7 camcorder to movie shaker 3.1 edit it , send it down to click to dvd in mpeg2 format & when i  play it on any dvd player the lip syn is out a mile what am i doing wrong. i =have tired both dvd rw & now dvd - writable. help

I have the same problem but i am using sony pc100 camcorder
If you find solution let me Know
Thank you


As a test, try a smaller project and see if it suffers the same problem.


This is a size related issue.
Break up your movie into chapters, this does not happen with smaller files.


It is not a size related issue.

There is no real solution to the program right now, I am afraid.

I've seen the problem occur both with large and small files - same problem. Please report this to VAIO link. I talked to them about the same problem two weeks ago, and they allready had four cases listed, waiting for more feedback. They asked me to send the faulty DVD, what I did, in order to find the error.

If we add to that, there should be a solution soon, I guess.

Regards to all,