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My system seems to have been corrupted, so that I cannot get onto the Net via e.g. IE or Firefox, although the system itself IS connecting to the internet, downloading XP updates from time to time. There are some others 'oddities' e.g. Disk Defrag will not run.
I think I need to re-install Windows XP, but do not have any software CD/DVDs (system delivered pre-installed, and with no Recovery CD).
How can I obtain a re-issue of XP? (I can quote licence key to whoever).
Is this a Sony or a Microsoft support issue?
Hi gryppetype,
welcome to Club VAIO..
You're Vaio has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been deleted you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.
To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this normally would start the recovery process..
Many thanks Thalamus; a basic issue, but without any documentation (laptop belongs to a friend, no docs or backup disks) I didn't know how to proceed.
All working OK now; thanks again,
Rgds, gryppetype
You're welcome..