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I have a lovely Vaio, apart from the fact that vista is not so stable I do like it, however, I have just started trying to play Blu Ray discs. Win DVD has stopped working, power DVD is asking me for money !!
Can anyone suggest a good (preferably free) Blu Ray player? I am willing to buy a player if necessary but it's a bit frustrating that I cant just play the discs - I wish I'd bought standard old fashion DVD's instead now !!!!
Hi dometop,
have you installed the Blu-ray Drive Firmware UJ-220B update.?
If not use the following link to download: Blu-ray Drive Firmware UJ-220B-1.04080723 update
yes, right after the dvd player update
ahhh man - now the aacs key problem.
ahhh man - now the aacs key problem.
it is telling me to update aasc key, then sending me to the correl website. I cant seem to install the updates
Try this...
Click Start, then click All Programs scroll down the list and click InterVideo WinDVD.
Under InterVideo WinDVD right-click on InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO and click 'Run as Administrator'.
Insert a Blu-ray movie into your Blu-ray drive and when the AACS Key has expired message appears click Yes.
Log in to the Corel Account Web page (If you do not have an account complete the COREL Account registration and click Submit).
Once logged in the Patch download page should appear.
Click OK once the AACS key update has completed and close the Corel web page..
thanks Thalamus, I managed to successfully process the aacs update and now windvd runs, but I now still get a message saying that my player needs an update. I dont any longer get the aacs update message.
are you having problems with a newly released blu ray disc, if so can any of your older Blu ray disc's play.?
well I am trying to play 24 season 7 so it is prety new yes.