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PCV-RX1: Trying to dial into AOL, no dial tone.


PCV-RX1: Trying to dial into AOL, no dial tone.


I am giving my RX1 to my mother (I'm a good boy I am) because I have moved on to a VAIO notebook. I delivered it to her house and set it up. To make sure all was okay I connected her telephone cable to the RX1 and double clicked on AOL...Nothing at all, not even a dial tone. I did the usual things of adding a new location to AOL, selecting the best local telephone numbers and all that. But just nothing. AOL after about 30 seconds tries to dial anyway, but fails.

So I re-set up her old PC (an PII 450 MHz thing), pluggd her telephone cable in that, double clicked on AOL and whoosh, off we went, no problem, instant dial tone, dial up and access to all that the www has to offer.

So I setup my RX1 AGAIN and still nothing. Perplexed I went into settings and took a look at the Modem (lucent) info and it told me that it was working correctly. I looked in the Modem log and saw nothing untoward.

So angry and sweaty (it was during our heatwave) I took it the 75 miles back to my house. Un packed it, set it up again, plugged in my telephone cable, double clicked on AOL and off it went, dial tone and everything. No problems!

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? Cos I don't.


Looks like the line they are trying to use doesn't have much gain then.


 To make sure all was okay I connected her telephone cable to the RX1 and double clicked on AOL...Nothing at all, not even a dial tone.

Did you use her modem cable rather than your own? This may be the answer as they are not all the same?


PS this does not answer my Cornwall problem as I diid use my own modem cable.


It is the cable. A very knowledgeable chap at work said it would almost certainly be the cable (no William, I was not using my cable, but my mothers), since there are two types, which look identical. So, I returned triumphant from my mothers house yesterday, without my VAIO in the boot this time!

Thanks for all your thoughts and comments on this, much appreciated.


Try asking BT to raise the gain for your telephone line, you never know it's helped a lot of people in the past.