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Dual Monitor support on PCV-RS122 with Geforce4 Ti 4200


Dual Monitor support on PCV-RS122 with Geforce4 Ti 4200

I want to enable dual monitor support on my video card, so I can use the VGA and DVI monitors at the same time.
Currently it is only possible to either use the VGA monitor or the DVI monitor.

It seems that the nVidia GeForce4 Ti4200 graphics chip is capable of doing this, the questions is: how do I tweak it to make it work.



I asked this in a post further down. Sony told me that they had disbled dual monitor support in the graphic card's bios because it conflicted with giga pocket.

They said that altering the bios was the only way of enabling it. Does anyone know how to do this, as Nvidia don't supply a bios, they say to refer to the manufacturer.


I spend considerable time to find a BIOS update, but whatever site I checked, it did not bring me anything yet.

I even took out the video card to try to find the manufacturers name, in case Sony is using an OEM version of the card, however I found no clues as to the make of the card.

I hope someone knows the answer to where to find the BIOS update that will make it work.


hi mate i have the sony rz 104 just posted a simular question mine has the geforce nvidea 4600 ti card in.
i think the problem is retail versions of the card have a dvi-i output with can send out both digital and anologue but for some reason sony have put in a dvi-d output which is digital only and i am not too sure if the card can give out both signals at the same time.
and there is no vga to dvi-d convertor as the dvi-d output is digital only.
so what i have done is bought a geforce nvidia fx5200 agp card and its sorted.
the card should of cost £100 but pc world are doing them for £69.99 over the bank holiday.
let me know if you find where to find the bios settings for the graohic card cos i couldnt find it either

scott lewis


your card should do it mate same as mine should i have a sony rz 104 desktop with a geforce 4600 ti. i posted the same question the other day
just been told to uninstalll the drivers and reinstall the\standard ones. but havent managed to do it myself xp keeps reinstalling them for me
look at the post on page 1 titled

Geforce 4 bios configuration

ifyou have any joy let me know

scott lewis