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New Sound Card?


New Sound Card?

Just added a soundblaster 5.1 digital sound card and all seems ok but should i disable on-board sound? If so how? as i see nothing in the bios to let me.


yeah it's possible to deactivate the onboard sound! but why??? it's not necessary! really!




I would disable it, if you disable it and tell the machine to only use the default one, you can avoid many complications.
To do so, right click on My Computer, then click on hardware and then device manager.
In there you will see a group called Sound and Game controllers or something similar. In there is your onboard sound card. No idea what it is but you may recognise it. Double click on it and check the DISABLE box. It is now disabled. However, you may need to go to something, of which I can't remember, and set your new card to be the default.
KeeLo, I assume you will see this, so can you remember where those settings are?

Anyway, reason I say to do this is if you have 2 sound devices, some software will pick this up and may choose one on its own, or ask you, both of which are annoying, so if you tell your machien to only use the default one, plus disable the old one, it has no choice. I know this because I did the exact same