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I have a Sony VAIO VGN-AR51M and it plays most bluray dvds. When i load up WinDVD BD it comes up with the message 'The AACS Key has expired. You may not be able to play back some titles. Press "Yes" to update.' If i press yes it signs me into to correl and comes up with an error message saying 'Error Code: R03-Explanation:Cannot find matching AACS Key or patch.' If i press no to the update it lets me play most movies such as 'BLACK HAWK DOWN' AND '300' but wont let me play a new dvd (Green street 2) and says 'WinDVD stops plaback because of AACS error check' and goes to a blank screen. I have downloaded all available updates from Sony.
Please can anyone help? Greatly appreciated.
Please can nobody tell me to by other software.Thank you.
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the reply but i have already tried this solution but failed
I get as far as selecting the 'Yes' on the AACS Key message then it signs me into corel and comes up with an error message :
Error Code Explanation Solution
R03 Cannot find matching AACS key or patch. Submit Product Information* for support
Sony are still to give a solution for this as i have been directed to the updates page many times.
Thanks for your time Mark.
Hi Mark
Send a message to sony vaio support. The last update for windvd bd was january. This isnt good enough and some of the latest bluerays wont play. I and lots of others are having problems and this is well below what we should be expecting from Sony. The more complaints they get the more they should take notice. make sure that they respond properly to your support request and not just direct you to the update page.
Thanks for the message Si,
I agree with you but i have already sent about 10
I would expect them to keep their own software up to date
Anyway im still waiting for them to send me a compatability update that will fix the AACS Key error and not just keep directing me to the update page.
Thanks again, Mark.
If you have any messages about this topic just post here! :smileygrin:
Still no solution
Perhaps you are doing something wrong VAIOWoman posted in another thread that she was able to download and install the updated AACS Key.
No im not doing anything wrong and yes i have seen this thread and spoken to VAIOWoman.
Its either the rubbish preinstalled software not registered propelry or its just the fact that Sony are slow at updating.
Before i found this problem i did a full system recovery becuase my Vaio had been tampered with in the shop and didn't have most things it should. One of these was the InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO but at the time i didn't know this as i thought Sony had just supplied me with a laptop capable of playing bluray without any software. When i contacted Sony support about the issue they siad there was a lot of software missing and to do a system recovery. When i did the system recovery it was there and allowed me to play my 3 dvd's. But since then (had the software available)my newer dvd's are unable to play. I have had the message for the update since i did the recovery but there has always been the error message. I was wondering whether it could be because of an error in the installation of the software and if so, whether there is anyway of reinstalling just the InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO without doing another full system recovery.
Thanks, Mark.
Hi Mark
Thanks for replying to my post regarding this problem. Sony have yet to reply to me regarding the update issue. I think its getting too complicated without needing to. I downloaded a trial version of cyberlink dvd 9 the other day and can play the newly released blueray disk that I couldnt play on intervideo without problem. I dont want to have to purchase another piece of software but am starting to think that that may be my only solution. Have you tried other software. I'm also thinking about deleting all the Sony software that came bundled on my laptop and never purchasing another piece of Sony merchandise or software again (that'll teach 'em). If a simple thing such as playing bluerays cant be acheived then I really cant be bothered with trying to liase with a sub standard non-responsive customer service such as that which Sony is providing at present. Lets face it if the search facility on this forum doesnt even work then thats speaks volumes.
Thanks for the reply Si,
Pleae can you post the link for where to get the trial version of the software that will allow me to play bluray.
Thanks, Mark.